Complaints Policy and Procedures

A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction concerning Care Academy product or service.

Care Academy take all complaints extremely seriously and all staff are trained and committed to rectify any problem as soon as it is brought to their attention.

It is recognised that a customer who has a complaint dealt with to their complete satisfaction is likely to become a repeat customer. Therefore we ask that if you are dissatisfied with the service you have received that you bring this to our attention as soon as possible by speaking to your course Assessor in the first instance.

Should this fail to provide you with a satisfactory resolution, or you feel it is inappropriate to address your complaint to the Assessor, then please contact the Head of Training and Education via one of the following options:
Call: 01534 888237
E-mail: Click for contact form
Write to: Verity Sangan, 2nd Floor, Charles House, Charles Street, St. Helier, Jersey, JE2 4SF.

When you contact us, please give us your full name, contact details, and include a daytime telephone number along with:
  • A full description of your complaint (including the subject matter and dates and times if known);
  • Any names of the people you have dealt with so far; and
  • Copies of any papers or letters to do with the complaint.

Care Academy ask that you raise your complaint as soon as possible after the event so that we have the opportunity to investigate fully. The Head of Training and Education will investigate your complaint and respond to you within 10 working days.

Appealing after an initial complaint has been raised
In the unlikely event that you remain unhappy after your complaint has been investigated and a decision reached then you may escalate your complaint to our Head of Training and Education. Please include any further items for consideration and state clearly why you remain unhappy with the decision taken so far. The Head of Training and Education will investigate in full and respond to you within 10 working days.

The Head of Training and Education can be contacted on:
Call: 01534 888237
E-mail: Click for contact form
Write to: Verity Sangan, 2nd Floor, Charles House, Charles Street, St. Helier, Jersey, JE2 4SF.

This will be the final route of escalation within our company. Therefore, if you remain unhappy after following our own internal complaints procedure and your complaint refers to services you have received relating to your course and achieving your qualification then please contact the Awarding Organisation directly. The Awarding Organisation is Highfield Qualifications and their complaint policy can be accessed by clicking here. Alternatively please speak to the Highfield team on 0845 2260350.

Should you address your complaint to Highfield and remain unhappy with the outcome you may then raise your complaint to the relevant qualification regulator. Either a representative of Care Academy or Highfield will be able to offer you guidance on the appropriate qualification regulator in each instance and provide contact details.

If you have any queries about the contents of this policy, please contact the Head of Training and Education directly on 01534 888237 or email.