Extenuating Circumstances Policy

The following sets out the Extenuating Circumstances Policy for Care Academy. This policy covers the process for extenuating circumstances being experienced by a learner. Should a learner feel that proper process has not been followed or that the decision was not made in accordance with this policy, then they may appeal to the Head of Training and Education via one of the following methods:
Call: 01534 888237
E-mail: Click to email
Write to: Care Academy, 1st Floor Charles House, Charles Street, St. Helier, Jersey, JE2 4SF.

If you have paid for an examination but are unable to attend the examination, you will not be refunded your examination fee under any circumstance (unless specified otherwise within this policy).

Coursework submissions
If you are enrolled on a Diploma, Award, Certificate or standalone unit under the RQF which are assessed via coursework/portfolio, you can apply for extenuating circumstances.
Extenuating circumstances must be applied for prior to the hand-in date of your portfolio, if you feel that you cannot hand in your coursework/portfolio on the due date. Extenuating circumstances will rarely be taken into consideration once the hand-in date for your work has passed. Extenuating circumstance applications for coursework submitted after the coursework hand-in date will not be accepted.

What are extenuating circumstances?
Extenuating circumstances are circumstances which are unavoidable, unexpected and beyond your control. It may have a direct, substantial and negative impact on your ability to undertake or complete the examination or meet a coursework hand-in date.
Normally, the effect of the circumstances will impact the candidate within 3 weeks prior to the coursework hand-in date. Extenuating circumstances are usually health-related or family situations which are serious, or situations of a serious and personal nature.

What may be accepted as extenuating circumstances?
The basic principle of EC is ‘beyond the control of the learner’. Reasons such as minor illness, family event, travel plan, employment responsibility, or transportation difficulty will not normally be accepted.
Some examples that may be accepted:
  • The death or serious illness of a close family member or dependant;
  • Sudden worsening of a long-term health condition
  • Extended illness or injury that lasts for more than five days that is serious enough to stop you from studying, writing, or revising;
  • Serious personal injury;
  • Being the victim of a serious crime;
  • Significant change in circumstances;
  • Court attendance;
  • Jury service where deferral has been refused by the court (for examinations only).

Examples that are unlikely to be accepted:
  • Any reasons submitted without supporting evidence;
  • Mistaking the coursework hand-in date/time/location;
  • Routine employment commitments;
  • Accepting additional shifts/overtime;
  • Transport difficulties, foreseeable or planned travel disruption;
  • Oversleeping or alarm failure on the morning of the examination;
  • Long term adverse circumstances;
  • Minor ailment, e.g. coughs and colds, short lived viruses;
  • ‘Retrospective’ medical evidence;
  • Expected due date (candidates who are pregnant can seek special arrangements by emailing the Head of Training and Education to determine a suitable plan);
  • Examination stress;
  • Childcare difficulties;
  • Holidays;
  • Religious holidays;
  • Family events;
  • Events relating to global pandemics. In such a situation, all learners are affected, and Care Academy will make collective decisions with regards to extenuating circumstances.

How to submit an extenuating circumstances application
To apply for extenuating circumstances, you must email the following information to the Head of Training and Education:
  • Your name;
  • Your programme of study;
  • Your coursework hand-in date;
  • Your extenuating circumstance;
  • Appropriate evidence to support your extenuating circumstance (see this policy for examples of evidence).

You must submit send your email no later 15 working days before your final hand-in date. You must entitle your email ‘Extenuating Circumstance Application’ and send your email to your assessor.

Extenuating circumstance evidence
Evidence should be relevant and significant. Evidence will often come from an expert or person in authority and will be provided in the form of an official document (e.g. a police report or doctor’s note). Evidence normally takes the form of written confirmation from an objective, independent, third party. Evidence should relate to facts, not personal opinions. For example, a note from a friend or relative would not be significant, and therefore will not be accepted.
A piece of evidence should include some, if not all, of the following:
  • Date that the document was written;
  • Signature or evidence that it comes from the person making the statement (e.g. from an official email address);
  • Evidence that it is independent and verifiable (e.g. their name, the name and contact details of their company or organisation);
  • Evidence that the person has the experience or expertise to make the statement (e.g. their job title or qualifications).

Some examples of supporting evidence:
IllnessConfirmation of the illness and the dates concerned, such as an original medical certificate signed by a medical practitioner
Illness of another personA statement of relationship between the person and the learner and confirmation of the illness, and dates concerned, such as an original medical certificate signed by a medical practitioner
BereavementA  statement of relationship between the person and death certificate or funeral statement
Victim of crimePolice report including crime reference number
Event of fireA letter or report from a fire officer
Court attendanceSolicitor’s letter including the dates of the legal proceedings and the requirement for you to attend
Jury serviceA letter from the court or tribunal including the dates of the legal proceedings, and confirming that the candidate could not be excused from jury service
Unforeseen representation of your country at a significant/prestigious eventA letter of confirmation from the relevant organising body; and a supporting statement from an professional explaining why the event should be considered as significant/prestigious
Major transport difficultyCorroboration from police or other public authority; and/or insurance reference number (if you were involved in a road traffic incident)
If your extenuating circumstance application has been approved before your coursework hand-in dateEvidence submitted for an extenuating circumstance will be stored as per the Care Academy Data Protection Policy and the Data Protection (Jersey) Law 2018.

Timing of your extenuating circumstances application
If your extenuating circumstance application has been approved before your coursework hand-in date. You do not need to submit your coursework by your original hand-in date; however, you will need to submit your coursework by your new hand-in date.
If you were due to sit an examination, you should not attempt the examination and you will not be counted as ‘an attempt’ for this exam.
If you have submitted an extenuating circumstances application but have not received an approval before the coursework hand-in date/examination. You can either hand in your coursework on your original hand-in date or not.You can either attend the examination or not.
If submit your coursework on your original hand- in date, or attend your examination, you are declaring yourself as ‘fit to sit’ the examination/hand in your coursework. The mark which you will be awarded is deemed an accurate reflection of your performances. Your extenuating circumstances application cannot be considered and will therefore be dismissed.
If you do not submit your coursework on the hand-in date, or do not sit your examination, your application for extenuating circumstances.

What happens after your extenuating circumstances submission?

Care Academy will issue receipts to you be replying your email within two working days. The purpose of receipts is to show that we have received your submission, but not for a guarantee of extenuating circumstances approval.

We will process the extenuating circumstances application as soon as a full submission has been received. The process normally takes no more than 15 working days. You can expect the extenuating circumstances result within 15 working days after you have got the receipt email from Care Academy. You will be informed by us via email if your extenuating circumstances case process needs more than 15 working days.

Extenuating circumstances outcomes
If you fall ill (or in other extenuating circumstances) during the time near to the examination (e.g. the evening before the exam) but do not have enough time to prepare and submit extenuating circumstance application before the examination or coursework hand-in date. This is not considered an extenuating circumstance for coursework hand-in.
If you fall serious ill during an examination. Such claims shall only be accepted if you were fit to sit on entering the examination venue, but for unforeseen reasons, for example, became seriously ill, during the examination.
The Invigilator shall record the event in a report and discuss with the relevant awarding body for the examination. The awarding body’s processes will be followed regarding this situation.
Rejected The Head of Training and Education shall inform you that your application has been rejected and you cannot be refunded.
You are coded as ‘absent’ and the exam mark is 0 in our record/system.
You are liable for any fees related to course re-enrolment/examination bookings.
Approved For coursework, you will be given a new hand-in date. This date is non-negotiable.
For examinations, you will need to re- book another examination date, but will not be charged for the cost of the examination. You are coded as ‘EC’ (extenuating circumstances) in our record/system.

If you have any queries about the contents of this policy, please contact us.