Plagiarism Policy
1. Introduction
1.1 This policy outlines Care Academy’s approach to identifying and managing cases of plagiarism.
1.1 This policy outlines Care Academy’s approach to identifying and managing cases of plagiarism.
1.2 This policy applies to Care Academy learners and apprentices. For ease of reference, all hereafter
are collectively referred to as “learners”.
1.3 Learners may be suspected of plagiarism if they:
1.3.1 Submit work not completed by themselves; 1.3.2 Use part of whole assignments of other, past or present, for completion of their own assignment;
1.3.3 Are deemed to be copying another’s work under examination conditions;
1.3.4 Use content from other sources without due recognition.
1.4 Learners may stand accused of plagiarism by the following people:
1.4.1 Examination Invigilator(s)/Assessor(s);
1.4.2 Assignment marker(s);
1.4.3 Care Academy External Quality Support (“EQS”);
1.4.4 Care Academy EPA Assessors;
1.4.5 Optical Mark Recognition (“OMR”) operator; and/or
1.4.6 Assignment verifier (where applicable).
1.5 All cases of suspected plagiarism will be investigated by Care Academy and referred to the relevant awarding body. Any required action deemed necessary to maintain the integrity of the qualifications/assessments will be taken.
1.6 Care Academy takes allegations of plagiarism seriously and all reported incidents are stored confidentially at Care Academy.
2. Centre Procedures
2.1 Care Academy is required to work proactively to help prevent cases of plagiarism. Care Academy can therefore be expected to:
2.1.1 advise learners of examples of plagiarism and means of identification;
2.1.2 Advise learners of the consequences of plagiarism;
2.1.3 Advise Nominated Tutors and Assessors of examples of plagiarism; and
2.1.4 Ensure authenticity of assignments with close monitoring throughout the duration of the course.
2.2 Where Care Academy suspect cases of plagiarism, the following procedures should be followed:
2.2.1 The Head of Centre should launch a full internal investigation into the allegations of suspected plagiarism in line with the Care Academy Malpractice and Maladministration Policy.
2.2.2 The Head of Centre should inform relevant stakeholders of the allegations and advise of actions needed to proceed.
2.2.3 Upon completion of the internal investigation, Care Academy should write a written report stating the nature of the allegation and details of the outcome of the internal investigation.
2.2.4 The report must be signed by Care Academy as a declaration that the report content provides an accurate description of the incident. It is advised that all supporting materials are submitted to the relevant awarding body’s support team.
2.2.5 In cases whereby centre malpractice may exist, staff should refer to Care Academy Guidance for Malpractice and Maladministration.
2.3 At all times, staff must adhere to the awarding body agreements and all Care Academy policies and procedures.
3. Care Academy Procedures
3.1 Once the awarding body receives the Head of Centre’s report into the suspected case of plagiarism and believes there is a case for plagiarism, the following actions will be taken:
3.1.1 The awarding body will consult with the individuals making the allegation and all relevant parties at their own discretion.
3.1.2 Should the awarding body decide that the allegations be upheld, Care Academy/the awarding body will write to the individual(s) concerned, as appropriate.
3.1.3 If all responses have been collated and given thought, and allegations are upheld the awarding body will inform Care Academy in writing of the decision.
3.1.4 If the awarding body decides not to uphold the allegation, the awarding body will notify Care Academy in writing of the decision.
3.1.5 In the event that the awarding body upholds the allegation(s), the awarding body may not release the learners result(s).
3.1.6 In the event that Care Academy upholds the allegation and the learner’s results have already been released, Care Academy will consider revocation of the award/certificate/qualification. 3.1.7 If the learner involved in the allegation wish to challenge the decision made by Care Academy or the awarding body, they should do so by writing via the Care Academy Appeals Procedure.
3.2 Care Academy will always attempt to protect the identity of those making allegations of examination plagiarism.
1.3 Learners may be suspected of plagiarism if they:
1.3.1 Submit work not completed by themselves; 1.3.2 Use part of whole assignments of other, past or present, for completion of their own assignment;
1.3.3 Are deemed to be copying another’s work under examination conditions;
1.3.4 Use content from other sources without due recognition.
1.4 Learners may stand accused of plagiarism by the following people:
1.4.1 Examination Invigilator(s)/Assessor(s);
1.4.2 Assignment marker(s);
1.4.3 Care Academy External Quality Support (“EQS”);
1.4.4 Care Academy EPA Assessors;
1.4.5 Optical Mark Recognition (“OMR”) operator; and/or
1.4.6 Assignment verifier (where applicable).
1.5 All cases of suspected plagiarism will be investigated by Care Academy and referred to the relevant awarding body. Any required action deemed necessary to maintain the integrity of the qualifications/assessments will be taken.
1.6 Care Academy takes allegations of plagiarism seriously and all reported incidents are stored confidentially at Care Academy.
2. Centre Procedures
2.1 Care Academy is required to work proactively to help prevent cases of plagiarism. Care Academy can therefore be expected to:
2.1.1 advise learners of examples of plagiarism and means of identification;
2.1.2 Advise learners of the consequences of plagiarism;
2.1.3 Advise Nominated Tutors and Assessors of examples of plagiarism; and
2.1.4 Ensure authenticity of assignments with close monitoring throughout the duration of the course.
2.2 Where Care Academy suspect cases of plagiarism, the following procedures should be followed:
2.2.1 The Head of Centre should launch a full internal investigation into the allegations of suspected plagiarism in line with the Care Academy Malpractice and Maladministration Policy.
2.2.2 The Head of Centre should inform relevant stakeholders of the allegations and advise of actions needed to proceed.
2.2.3 Upon completion of the internal investigation, Care Academy should write a written report stating the nature of the allegation and details of the outcome of the internal investigation.
2.2.4 The report must be signed by Care Academy as a declaration that the report content provides an accurate description of the incident. It is advised that all supporting materials are submitted to the relevant awarding body’s support team.
2.2.5 In cases whereby centre malpractice may exist, staff should refer to Care Academy Guidance for Malpractice and Maladministration.
2.3 At all times, staff must adhere to the awarding body agreements and all Care Academy policies and procedures.
3. Care Academy Procedures
3.1 Once the awarding body receives the Head of Centre’s report into the suspected case of plagiarism and believes there is a case for plagiarism, the following actions will be taken:
3.1.1 The awarding body will consult with the individuals making the allegation and all relevant parties at their own discretion.
3.1.2 Should the awarding body decide that the allegations be upheld, Care Academy/the awarding body will write to the individual(s) concerned, as appropriate.
3.1.3 If all responses have been collated and given thought, and allegations are upheld the awarding body will inform Care Academy in writing of the decision.
3.1.4 If the awarding body decides not to uphold the allegation, the awarding body will notify Care Academy in writing of the decision.
3.1.5 In the event that the awarding body upholds the allegation(s), the awarding body may not release the learners result(s).
3.1.6 In the event that Care Academy upholds the allegation and the learner’s results have already been released, Care Academy will consider revocation of the award/certificate/qualification. 3.1.7 If the learner involved in the allegation wish to challenge the decision made by Care Academy or the awarding body, they should do so by writing via the Care Academy Appeals Procedure.
3.2 Care Academy will always attempt to protect the identity of those making allegations of examination plagiarism.